I help busy, self-motivated individuals from all over the world significantly improve their health, vitality, focus and future

Are you sick of feeling brain fogged, tired all the time, anxious, sluggish or run down?
Perhaps your lack of vitality, chronic fatigue or other health symptoms have been disregarded by conventional health care providers who cannot offer you the level of attention you need as an individual to find out WHY you may be burnt out, tired or chronically unwell.
​If you are tired of these types of symptoms running your life, limiting your potential to truly live and are ready and committed to make positive changes to your health and wellbeing, then this is the place for you.

Hi, i'm Joff.
​In the most simple of terms; health, energy, wellbeing and maximising human performance is my lifelong obsession. I don’t use the word obsession lightly either. I am completely dedicated to the pursuit of knowledge and methods to maximise human health and performance.
I have always been two things; Really into health, sport and exercise and really intrigued by the complex nature and puzzles that life and the world presents us.
My approach utilises over 15 years of extensive experience in neurology, psychology, nutrition, biomechanics, fitness, biohacking and self care. It is deeply rooted in the understanding that no system in the body lives in isolation. All are intricately diverse and interconnected. And all can have profound positive and negative effects on your health and wellbeing.
I have a curious, problem solving mindset which my clients know is a powerful ally to have. As amazing and resilient as the human body and mind is, it is equalled in its complexity and the vast number of variables that can impact it.
It takes someone to have a deep understanding of the human body and mind AND to have the ability to use a unique method of thinking to see beyond the symptoms, to the components that could be causing them.
I recognise that as an individual, you won’t require the same blueprint as everyone else. Yes there is a format to my coaching style, but you will receive a unique program, based around your goals and needs.
How do we do it?
The Five Pillars to Maximising Health

Why work with a Health Coach?
Your accountants keep track of your financial health, asset managers help grow your wealth; let me help you with the greatest source of wealth on offer; your health and longevity.
To my clients, I am their own personal health consultant. They get the opportunity to lean on my 15+ years of knowledge, expertise and obsession in health and performance. All of this is at their fingertips.
The same way that smart financial investments compound wealth over time, smart choices regarding your health also create compounding results.
Do the work, invest now and reap the results as you age.
It might seem complicated, but you're in safe hands
As a science geek at heart and one that is focused on results, my approach to helping you has one foot very firmly sat in science literature. The other is in practices, treatments and adjustments that are on the cutting edge of health and wellbeing science.
Optimal health and performance for the remainder of your life is my goal and health and wellbeing coaching could be the missing link to help you achieving this.​

Health Coaching Packages
This 6-week package has been designed to help those seeking for an in depth look at their health and want to experience the benefits that working with a coach can achieve.
This package will help you address one particular health goal. Whether its sleep, energy or brain fog, we will work towards making significant improvements in your life.
Over the 6 weeks of coaching you'll fast track your way to a place of better understanding of how your body and mind work. We'll lay vital foundations aimed at helping you reach your goals
​​The monthly membership is our prestige service which allows for time and resources to invest heavily into all of your health goals.
I recognise that most chronic conditions take time to fully resolve which is why the monthly membership was created; a chance for me to be with you throughout the journey towards optimal health.
Through the coaching process you'll learn incredible insights about what is happening in your body and will have the tools to build significant improvement in your chosen health goals.